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Biblical theology, the Old and New Testaments, and how to read the Bible.

Systematic theology and Christian beliefs on different topics.

Church history and writings from historical authors.

Living as a Christian and putting your faith into practice.

Types: Article
The taking of a blank page and filling it with alphabetic script that has meaning that can move heart and will is nothing short of marvellous.
“O storm-tossed and not comforted” your God comes. Suddenly, and all at once. Your God comes himself to comfort you. Again and again. He has not forgotten, nor has he forsaken. He has come to be your ever-present and everlasting comfort.  So, step out of the bitter winds, and into the fires of his love. Come, feel the glow. Come collapse in his strong, everlasting arms. For a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick, he will never snuff out. 
We have heard someone tell us good new of joy and peace. We have come to know Jesus the Shepherd King. We tell others what we have seen and heard and know. We join with angels and all the redeemed in singing Glory to God.
Whether our darkness comes from relational breakdown, grief, loneliness, health challenges, the guilt of sins committed, the shame of sins experienced, global trends or deep personal struggle, we must know that our God is a God of hope.
Christ is a husband like no other—the husband all others point to. There is no length he is unwilling to go to care and provide for her. Christ spends himself on her. He sweats for her. He bleeds for her. He dies for her. He gives himself up for her. For he loves her.
If the Old Testament were teaching a way of salvation based on our own merit, would it be useful reading when I want to grow in Christ—the one whose yoke is easy? If the God I meet in the Old Testament were a different God from the one whom I meet in Christ, could I build others up in Christ by reading the two Testaments together? If the God who saves me through the work of Jesus now “saved” quite differently back then, could I delight in the God I meet in the pages of the Old Covenant?
Friends, it’s not incidental to God that he is a kind and loving Father. That’s not a role he’s stepped into or an act that he tries to pull off while inwardly just being transcendent and disinterested in you.When you pray the Lord’s Prayer and call him “Our Father” or “Abba, Father,” you’re not asking him to pretend for a moment he’s less like God and more like Jesus than he actually is. You’re putting your finger on the very essence of God.
Know that in that day, when Christ takes us to himself fully and finally, one moment in heaven will be worth a thousand lifetimes of trial. All of our regrets, failures, worries, will be assigned to oblivion when we enter into the joyful presence of our supremely kind Saviour and Friend, our Lord and Brother, our King and our God.
Jesus goes out of his way to meet this woman. But why? Perhaps it was not because she was righteous or that she was worthy, but simply that she was: thirsty. Thirsty for more than what she could haul home with her own feeble hands. A thirst that was deeper than Jacob’s well could ever go, deep down in the parched places of her heart.
Who then shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall backsliding, lack of joy, or coldness towards the Lord? Shall trials? Shall hardship? What about continued failure to overcome that one sin? Crippling depression, mental illness, or moments of utter weakness? Never.