Rebekah Fox

Rebekah authors the blog Barren to Beautiful, where she offers gospel hope to women during infertility and other dry seasons of the soul. She and her husband live in Pennsylvania and have been blessed with three children. She blogs at
“O storm-tossed and not comforted” your God comes. Suddenly, and all at once. Your God comes himself to comfort you. Again and again. He has not forgotten, nor has he forsaken. He has come to be your ever-present and everlasting comfort.  So, step out of the bitter winds, and into the fires of his love. Come, feel the glow. Come collapse in his strong, everlasting arms. For a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick, he will never snuff out. 
Jesus goes out of his way to meet this woman. But why? Perhaps it was not because she was righteous or that she was worthy, but simply that she was: thirsty. Thirsty for more than what she could haul home with her own feeble hands. A thirst that was deeper than Jacob’s well could ever go, deep down in the parched places of her heart.
As you look to him, high and lifted up, it is here your burden falls. And tumbles down the hill, to be gone forever.
What kind of love is this? What kind of God is this?  The kind who says, “Come.”   “Come to the wedding feast.”  So, come, hungry. Come, thirsty. He has prepared a table for you. And it is only here, with him, where your hunger is satisfied, and your cup overflows. 
Even when our hearts are as cold and dead as winter, Jesus’ words blow in like an early spring breeze, warm and welcomed through the window, awakening us to himself.
As my husband held our daughter, and she leaned against his chest, he softly said, “This is why Jesus came.” In that moment, though tears dripped down our cheeks, the gospel washed over our hearts. Never had we felt more desperate for a Saviour. Never had we loved Jesus more.
The very one who has given us such great comfort, is the very same one who gives us such a great commission. Looking to Jesus, we not only remember the good news of the gospel, we herald it.
For Expectant Mothers ONLY. Who knew a parking lot could be so cruel? It was like I just got rejected from the Mommy Club. “No barren women allowed.” The sign could have said: For women whose bodies work right. For women who have had their prayers answered. For women who have something to look forward to. For women with something to expect.
Nothing is more powerful than the kind of book that leads you to adore Christ. And nothing is more precious.
You will weep and worship. And as you relish your union with him—you will be changed. For you are in the Son. You will climb and not be able to reach his heights, you will dive and not be able to reach his depths. And just when you think you have traversed to the ends of him, you will see some yet unknown land in the distance, and he will bid you come, “Deeper.”