Glen Scrivener

Glen Scrivener is the Director and Evangelist at Speak Life. He's teaches at Union School of Theology and has written a number of books including 321:The Story of God, the World and You and Reading Between the Lines. 
Glen Scrivener walks us through how Irenaeus and Athanasius saw creation and salvation as intimately related purposes of God. 
Glen Scrivener introduces us to the God of the Bible in this short evangelistic video. 
Glen Scrivener outlines the story of God, the world, and you in this short evangelistic video. 
Glen Scrivener asks whether we will be one with Jesus in this short evangelistic video. 
Glen Scrivener explores the world and our reality in this short evangelistic video. 
Glen Scrivener looks at how getting the gospel right will make us better at sharing it in the first of two talks. 
Glen Scrivener looks at how getting the gospel right will make us better at sharing it in the last of two talks. 
Glen Scrivener looks at 2 Corinthians 4 for insight into Paul's theology of mission and evangelism. 
Glen Scrivener opens Isaiah and shows that mission is at the heart of the life of the Church because it is in the heart of God. 
Glen Scrivener consider mission, motivation, and the glory of God. 
Glen Scrivener shows how believing in the Trinity makes our salvation sweet and our God desirable. 
Glen Scrivener shows how the Bible's picture of intimacy with God is deeper and better than we could ever imagine. 
Glen Scrivener helps us consider personal evangelism. He addresses our preconceptions about God, ourselves and the world. From our UST Ministry Summer School 2020.  
Dan Hames and Glen Scrivener speak about Halloween's origins and meaning; its dangers and its opportunities. 
What is preaching? Glen Scrivener offers a theology of preaching: Christ must be proclaimed biblically. 
Glen Scrivener explores how gospel worked before the Reformation and how it changed. From Delighted by God 2012. 
Glen Scrivener asks what is meant by repentance in the Bible and how it affects the way we preach the gospel. 
Glen Scrivener shows us the danger of thinking about God without beginning with Jesus. 
In the second of two papers, Glen Scrivener examines the call and work of an evangelist – with some surprising conclusions.