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Biblical theology, the Old and New Testaments, and how to read the Bible.

Systematic theology and Christian beliefs on different topics.

Church history and writings from historical authors.

Living as a Christian and putting your faith into practice.

Category: World Religions
Mike Reeves looks at how to speak to our pluralist friends using a neglected resource found in the gospel, leading us to more effective mission. 
Graham Cole asks whether Christianity can be described as a worldview, arguing that it is primarily news about a person and his significance to the world. 
Justin Schell considers mission and missiology from an evangelical perspective. 
Mike Reeves compares the Roman Catholic and evangelical understandings of God's grace – and shows how we can too easily get muddled. 
Mike Reeves asks how Jesus is different to any other god in the second of three talks. 
Mike Reeves considers the recent efforts towards unity between Roman Catholics and evangelicals, and asks whether we truly agree on the doctrine of justification. 
Keith Small and Andy Bannister compare and contrast the Islamic doctrine of Allah's oneness and the Christian God's triunity. 
Mike Reeves introduces us to Eastern Orthodox theology and spirituality. 
Mike Reeves looks at the various contemporary challenges to the doctrine of justification in the third of four talks at Word Alive 2010. 
Natalie Brand looks at the subject of spirituality, drawing us to Jesus our supreme and sufficient Saviour.