Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves is the President of Union School of Theology, where he teaches in the areas of systematic and historical theology and also on preaching and spiritual formation. He is author of several books, including Rejoicing in Christ, Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith, and Rejoice and Tremble: The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord.
Michael Reeves and Tim Chester explain the Reformers' doctrine of the grace of God in this extract from their book, 'Wy the Reformation Still Matters'. 
Mike Reeves shows how Jesus changes everything for the Christian in the second of four talks from Word Alive 2012. 
Mike Reeves shows how Jesus changes everything for the Christian in the third of four talks from Word Alive 2012. 
Mike Reeves tells the story of George Whitefield who discovered that transformation happens from the inside out. 
Mike Reeves stands besides the memorial of martyr Thomas Cranmer who died for his convictions about the church. 
Mike Reeves' short film shows that, amid confusion and fear, Christians desperately need to hear more of Jesus. 
Mike Reeves gives a short introduction to the authority of Scripture outside the Oxford college of Reformation martyr William Tyndale. 
Michael Reeves introduces us to Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers. 
Michael Reeves explores what it means to be evangelical, considering the proposals from Bebbington, Packer, and Stott. 
Michael Reeves explores John Bunyan's surprising insights into the fear of the Lord. 
Mike Reeves introduces us to the puritan pastor, Richard Sibbes. 
Mike Reeves introduces us to the reformer Martin Luther. 
Mike Reeves shows how Jesus changes everything for the Christian in the last of four talks from Word Alive 2012. 
Michael Reeves shows how the Trinity is vital for assurance of salvation in the sixth of nine short videos. 
Mike Reeves teaches on the importance of fellowship with Jesus for life and ministry in the first of three talks. 
Mike Reeves teaches on the importance of fellowship with Jesus for life and ministry in the second of three talks. 
Mike Reeves teaches on the importance of fellowship with Jesus for life and ministry in the last of three talks. 
Mike Reeves teaches worship leaders and pastors on the importance of preparing people to live, suffer, and die in the love of Christ. 
Mike Reeves introduces us to America's great theologian, Jonathan Edwards. 
Mike Reeves asks whether heaven or eternal life or something else is the great offer of the gospel.