Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards (1703 – 1758) was a Christian preacher and theologian influential in America's 'Great Awakening'.
Jonathan Edwards' 1783 sermon is a rousing exposition of 1 Corinthians 15:25–26 which speaks of Christ's reign over all evil. 
Jonathan Edwards' sermon on the enjoyment of perfect love in the age to come is heart-warming spiritual food. 
Jonathan Edwards explores the issue of salvation in the Old Testament. 
Jonathan Edwards' exposition of the incarnation of Jesus is an excerpt from his 'History of the Work of Redemption'. 
Jonathan Edwards' unpublished Essay on the Trinity is a wonderfully Christ-centred expedition into the life of God. 
Jonathan Edwards' sermon of 1736 is a powerful exposition of the Person and work of Christ from Revelation 5:5–6. 
Jonathan Edwards outlines a theology of grace in this essay. 
Jonathan Edwards' reflections on what it is to know the glory of God in the face of Christ – based on his involvement in revivals during his ministry. 
Jonathan Edwards preached this final sermon at the First Church in Northampton, MA on July 1, 1750 having been voted out as the pastor. He teaches that ministers and congregations will meet one another at the judgment seat of Christ.