Mike Reeves shows how the Trinity changes prayer in the fourth of nine short videos.
The God Who Is Trinity (part 1)
The Trinity and Our Good News (part 2)
The Heart-Winning Trinity (part 3)
Trinity Shapes Our Prayer Life (part 4)
Trinity and Our Evangelism (part 5)
Trinity and Christian Assurance (part 6)
Discovering Trinity in My Life (part 7)
Trinity and Christian Unity (part 8)
Uncovering the Trinity in John 17 (part 9)
In prayer, the wonderful thing is we can speak to the Father, we can have fellowship with the Son, and we can have fellowship with the Spirit. And you see people praying to the Father. We see people praying to the son in Scripture. And so we can have distinct fellowship with the Father, with Son, and with the Spirit. But normal Christian prayer is a rich fellowship with all three persons together. So Jesus says to his friends, “when you pray, say, ‘Our Father,’” and what he means when he says that is that we get to approach the Father as his dearly loved children—as the Son himself. And so the Son brings me before his Father, and the Spirit of the Son enables me to cry what the Son has always himself, cried, “Abba, Father.” That’s what’s going on in Christian prayer. The Spirit is the wind in the sails of my prayer, making me say what the Son has always said, and say it with the Son’s own confidence, and brought into the rich fellowship of the Trinity—there to address not some distant potentate, but to address the Almighty as my Abba.