Dustin Benge

(PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the author of The Loveliest Place: The Beauty and Glory of the Church, and The Precious Blood: The Benefits of the Atonement of Christ. He and his wife, Molli, live in Louisville, Kentucky
The church derives its life from the sweet fellowship of the Father, Son, and Spirit, creating a people of worship, fellowship, and mission who are animated by the gospel and empowered by the Word of God.
It is necessary not only to pray, but also to pray “as we ought” and to pray for what we ought. Our attempt to understand what we should pray for is deficient unless we also bring to our quest the “as we ought.” Likewise, what use to us is the “as we ought” if we do not know for what we should pray?
Awakening Affection for the Beauty of God’s Church
Awakening Affection for the Beauty of God’s Church