In Christ, we have a kind, gentle Saviour who was happy to be weak in his birth, ministry, and death is to have a Saviour whom we can know. In Jesus, we have a friend and a brother whom we can approach, knowing instinctively that he will treat us gently and kindly. Weakness is not the traitor we take it for. Rather, it is our friend. Weakness can show us more of Jesus and how we may follow him than strength ever could. For the next five days, join author and pastor John Hindley in uncovering the beauty of God’s strength revealed through our weaknesses.
John Hindley is the pastor of BroadGrace church in Norfolk, UK and the author of Suffering and Singing: Knowing God’s Love in Pain and Despair and Weakness Our Strength: Learning from Christ Crucified. He studied for ministry at Oak Hill College. John is married to Flick and they have three children.