In this short series of videos, Steffen Jenkins introduces us to the imprecatory psalms and tests the assumptions that are often brought when reading them. He ends the series showing how they relate to world mission.
Session 1: Introduction
In this first of eight sessions, Steffen Jenkins introduces us to the imprecatory psalms.
Session 2: Five Assumptions
In the second of eight sessions, Steffen Jenkins provides an overview of assumptions we tend to read into the imprecatory psalms.
Sessions 3: Sinless (Assumption 1)
In the third session, Steffen Jenkins provides the first assumption we tend to read into imprecatory psalms: sinlessness
Session 4: Self-Righteousness (Assumption 2)
In the fourth session, Steffen Jenkins tests the second assumption we tend to read into imprecatory psalms: self-righteousness.
Session 5: Victimisation (Assumption 3)
In this fifth session, Steffen Jenkins tests the third assumption we tend to read into imprecatory psalms: victimisation.
Session 6: Unredeemable (Assumption 4)
In this sixth session, Steffen Jenkins tests the fourth assumption we tend to read into imprecatory psalms: unredeemable.
Session 7: Vindictive (Assumption 5)
In this seventh session, Steffen Jenkins tests the fifth assumption we tend to read into imprecatory psalms: vindictiveness.
Session 8: Imprecations in the Psalms and World Mission
In this final session on imprecations in the Psalms, Steffen looks at world mission.
Study with Steffen at Union School of Theology. For more information visit
Get his book: Imprecations in the Psalms: Love for Enemies in Hard Places