Linda Allcock

Linda is the author of Deeper Still: Finding Clear Minds and Full Hearts through Biblical Meditation, and Head, Heart, Hands Bible notes. Linda works alongside her husband Jonty in The Globe Church, Central London and lectures on the women’s ministry course at London Seminary.
Sitting in a cute (technical term for “slightly odd”) Welsh pub with fellow Master’s students on an intensive lectures’ week at Union School of Theology, I was delighted when the owner came over and lit the fire. I love a nice fire, and find nothing more satisfying than keeping it ablaze. Having taken ownership of keeping said fire alight, you can imagine how embarrassed I was, when all I seemed able to do was put it out!
Have you ever thought about “curating” the content you consume? The world plies us with words everywhere we go. Our ever-present mobiles offer a stream of content to fill our commute. And as Christians there’s that pile of books, purchased on sale at the conference bookstall (only me?!) that we’ve started but not finished.