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Biblical theology, the Old and New Testaments, and how to read the Bible.

Systematic theology and Christian beliefs on different topics.

Church history and writings from historical authors.

Living as a Christian and putting your faith into practice.

Tag: Romans
Who then shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall backsliding, lack of joy, or coldness towards the Lord? Shall trials? Shall hardship? What about continued failure to overcome that one sin? Crippling depression, mental illness, or moments of utter weakness? Never.
God intends that we become conformed to the image of Jesus. Why? So that Jesus will have many brothers. And what does that conformity look like? It’s relational through and through.
Richard Sibbes' beautiful exposition of Romans 8:2 will give you hope and courage in Christ! 
Tom Holland draws out the Old Testament theme of God's marriage to his people in the book of Romans. 
Simon Gathercole examines Paul's theology of atonement, focusing on the classical context of Paul's thought and Romans 5:6–10.  
Paul Blackham looks at Romans 6 in the fourth of five talks on the cross. 
Martin Luther's autobiographical fragment from 1545 outlines the theological breakthrough which led to his gospel rediscovery and the Reformation. 
Simon Ponsonby introduces us to the Apostle Paul, considering his new name, his duty, his call, and his purpose. 
Dan Hames and Glen Scrivener speak about Halloween's origins and meaning; its dangers and its opportunities.