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Tag: Prayer
Most of us are not good at prayer. Why is prayer often so difficult—even for the mature believer? In this session, Michael Reeves gets to the heart of our problem with prayer.
When we feel abandoned, disheartened, or confused, God is listening. The Father is listening. Be encouraged my dear friend, whether whispering or screaming, he is listening to your every word.
The Lord’s Prayer isn’t just a set liturgy or guide to prayer. It is an offering where Jesus extends to us the very keys of heaven that he himself possesses. He invites us to come to the Father as he does, to know the Father as he does—and on the very same terms. As he leads us to his Father, we discover that the goal of prayer is not that we get something from God, but that we get God himself.
It is necessary not only to pray, but also to pray “as we ought” and to pray for what we ought. Our attempt to understand what we should pray for is deficient unless we also bring to our quest the “as we ought.” Likewise, what use to us is the “as we ought” if we do not know for what we should pray?
We often think of courage simply as a characteristic some sturdy folk are born with. While some are more temperamentally thick-skinned than others, true courage is a gift of the gospel given to ordinary, timid, naturally nervy Christians. True courage is something extraordinary and inexplicable to the world. It is a supernatural marker of grace that makes believers stand out in an anxious world
Martin Luther teaches us to pray using the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles' Creed. 
John Bradford leads us meditatively through the day, with prayers and reflections. You will never think about life the same way again! 
Puritan pastor Richard Baxter gives practical advice on how to use everything in the day to fix our eyes on the Lord. 
Mike Reeves shows how the Trinity changes prayer in the fourth of nine short videos.