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Tag: Heaven
Know that in that day, when Christ takes us to himself fully and finally, one moment in heaven will be worth a thousand lifetimes of trial. All of our regrets, failures, worries, will be assigned to oblivion when we enter into the joyful presence of our supremely kind Saviour and Friend, our Lord and Brother, our King and our God.
When Scripture reveals that God is light, it speaks of an overwhelmingly beautiful light that shines forth in radiant goodness. A light that brings life and warmth and joy and abundance to all the places it touches. All flourish and abound under its rays.
Jesus promised his disciples that he would one day return to bring them to a place that he prepared for them. It is a place where all things are made new, free of sin and sorrow. As Christians, we seek not fame or fortune but a heavenly city whose builder and maker is God.
Jeremy Walker picks out nine qualities to nurture as we speak about Christ to friends and family who don't yet believe.
Kyle Strobel introduces us to a neglected doctrine: the beatific vision. Interacting with Turretin, Owen, and Edwards amongst others, he shows how our sight of God now by faith will be fulfilled in eternity.
Jonathan Edwards' sermon on the enjoyment of perfect love in the age to come is heart-warming spiritual food.
Simon Ponsonby explores the hope of the resurrection from 1 Corinthians 15.
Thomas Brooks writes to a friend who is close to death, comforting her with Christ's promises.