Fatherheart of God
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Tag: Fatherheart of God
The Lord’s Prayer isn’t just a set liturgy or guide to prayer. It is an offering where Jesus extends to us the very keys of heaven that he himself possesses. He invites us to come to the Father as he does, to know the Father as he does—and on the very same terms. As he leads us to his Father, we discover that the goal of prayer is not that we get something from God, but that we get God himself.
In the Son of God, we do not see a haughty God, reluctant to be kind. We see one who comes in saving grace while we were still sinners. In him we see a glory so different from our needy and selfish applause-seeking. We see a God of superabundant self-giving. We see a God unspotted in every way: a fountain of overflowing goodness. In him—and in him alone—we see a God who is beautiful, who wins our hearts.