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Tag: Christology
Christ is a husband like no other—the husband all others point to. There is no length he is unwilling to go to care and provide for her. Christ spends himself on her. He sweats for her. He bleeds for her. He dies for her. He gives himself up for her. For he loves her.
Know that in that day, when Christ takes us to himself fully and finally, one moment in heaven will be worth a thousand lifetimes of trial. All of our regrets, failures, worries, will be assigned to oblivion when we enter into the joyful presence of our supremely kind Saviour and Friend, our Lord and Brother, our King and our God.
All who are members of Christ’s body experience, in him, what happened to that body. Our old identity was slaughtered, speared, buried. He is the third-day first fruit of life and righteousness. All his seed that are in him share his fate. Thus, in him, we are given new life, and we share, are covered, by his righteousness. It all makes for an infinitely more nourishing gospel.
When Scripture reveals that God is light, it speaks of an overwhelmingly beautiful light that shines forth in radiant goodness. A light that brings life and warmth and joy and abundance to all the places it touches. All flourish and abound under its rays.
Even when our hearts are as cold and dead as winter, Jesus’ words blow in like an early spring breeze, warm and welcomed through the window, awakening us to himself.
You don’t need to wonder whether he is growing weary of you, whether he is secretly suspicious of you. He is the friend who sympathizes and is moved by our weakness. He is a friend who loves at all times (Pr. 17:17). His loyalty is unwavering, his correction is most tender, and his goodness and love pursue us all the days of our lives.
Eat this bread, for there are no benefits apart from him. He is good: eat of him. He is rich: delight yourself in him. For Christ is the true bread of heaven.
The church derives its life from the sweet fellowship of the Father, Son, and Spirit, creating a people of worship, fellowship, and mission who are animated by the gospel and empowered by the Word of God.
God is our Shepherd. This truth is not for mere intellectual assent, nor a kind of badge to hang on our own board of orthodoxy. To know the one who is Shepherd is a precious reality from which the believer draws strength, comfort, and life.
The invitation of our Good Shepherd does not make that valley disappear, nor does it mean we are exempt from walking through it, but even as we do, we need not fear. Why? Because Christ, our Good Shepherd, is with us. … Oh, what precious realities are ours right now for we who have heeded the call of our Good Shepherd!