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Biblical theology, the Old and New Testaments, and how to read the Bible.

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Tag: Athanasius
In the Son of God, we do not see a haughty God, reluctant to be kind. We see one who comes in saving grace while we were still sinners. In him we see a glory so different from our needy and selfish applause-seeking. We see a God of superabundant self-giving. We see a God unspotted in every way: a fountain of overflowing goodness. In him—and in him alone—we see a God who is beautiful, who wins our hearts.
Glen Scrivener walks us through how Irenaeus and Athanasius saw creation and salvation as intimately related purposes of God. 
Mike Reeves introduces us to Athanasius, the great early Church defender of the faith. 
Athanasius' brilliant yet accessible work on the incarnation of Jesus. Not recommended for reading on screen! 
Mike Reeves introduces us to the great Early Church theologian, Athanasius. 
Donald Fairbairn surveys the New Testament's teaching about the identity of Jesus and guides us through the key discussions of the early post-apostolic Church on Jesus' divinity and humanity. 
Michael Reeves examines four key scenes in the glorious story of Christ’s work in his church. 
In writing an introduction to Athanasius' 'On the Incarnation, C. S. Lewis also penned a modern classic on the value of reading old books. 
Though unlikely to have been written by Athanasius, this statement of faith bears the hallmarks of his strong Trinitarian theology and focus on the Person of Christ. 
Glen Scrivener shows us the danger of thinking about God without beginning with Jesus.