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Tag: AskPastorJohn
Mike Reeves stands in for John Piper on Episode 381 of 'Ask Pastor John' from Desiring God, discussing the practice of praying to the mother of Jesus.
Mike Reeves stands in for John Piper on Episode 383 of 'Ask Pastor John' from Desiring God, discussing the blessings of our oneness with Jesus.
“Knowing Christ is the reason why the Father so delights in him, because he is simply delightful.”
Mike Reeves stands in for John Piper on Episode 380 of 'Ask Pastor John' from Desiring God, discussing the missionary endeavour of John Calvin.
Mike Reeves stands in for John Piper on Episode 379 of 'Ask Pastor John' from Desiring God, discussing Thomas Goodwin and his vision of the glory of Jesus..