
Biblical theology, the Old and New Testaments, and how to read the Bible.
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Biblical Theology

See the Bible as a single story.

Old Testament

Delve into the books of Moses, the prophets, and the writings.

New Testament

See the Bible as a single story.


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Latest resources
Preaching Christ: Comment, Caution, Counsel
Sinclair Ferguson | Text

Sinclair Ferguson gives preachers plenty to think about when ‘preaching Christ’.

Authentic Spirituality is Found in Christ
Natalie Brand | Video

Natalie Brand looks at the subject of spirituality, drawing us to Jesus our supreme and sufficient Saviour.

Old Testament
Why is Christology Important?
Robert Letham | Video

Robert Letham considers the mystery of the Incarnation in an excerpt from his ‘Systematic Theology’ (Crossway, 2019).

Why I have changed my mind about Penal Substitution
Daniel Hames | Text

Dan Hames writes about the theological, historical, and biblical reasons he has changed his mind about the death of Jesus.

Featured collections

Reformation 500

A celebration at Immanuel, Nashville