10 Quotes from Right with God


10 quotes from Right with God by Michael Reeves

How do we become right with God? For anyone who does not know Christ or is lacking confidence in their salvation, the Bible has good news of comfort and joy. The following quotes are from Michael Reeves’ new book, Right with God.  This is a short, accessible book: buy one for yourself—and a copies for your church or your friends.

  1. “God does not love people because they have sorted themselves out: he loves failures, and that love makes them flourish.”
  2.  “God’s righteousness is something he shares with us as a gift. Acceptance before God, forgiveness, and peace with him can be received with simple faith or trust. We don’t work our way into God’s good graces.”
  3. “All believers in [Christ]—who are members of his body—share that life-giving justification he received on Easter morning. Thus, in him we are given new life, and we become the very righteousness of God.”
  4. “We try to dress ourselves before God in the fig leaves of our own righteousness, but he clothes us kindly and properly with the righteousness of Christ. So we come before our Father clothed in Christ.”
  5.  “But Christians don’t imagine Jesus somehow floating his righteousness to us through space and time. We are clothed in his righteousness because we really are in him.”
  6. “My current sin can and will hamper my enjoyment of the Christian life, but it can never alter my identity in him.”
  7. “Christ, our great Bridegroom, has taken all our sin, death, and judgment, borne it on the cross, and drowned it in his blood. He has then given to us all his righteousness, blessedness, and beloved status before his Father.”
  8. “For all the sin that remains in our hearts and lives, we who trust Christ cannot be condemned without Christ being condemned with us. All his is ours.”
  9.  “Believers come to Christ to receive him—not, first and foremost, to get heaven, righteousness, life, or any other blessing, but to get Christ, in whom all those other blessings are then found.”
  10.  “Without understanding justification, we would assume God was all sternness, one who simply approves those who have already sorted themselves out. Such a God might be right to be like that, but he would hardly win our hearts.”


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