volume 1 (1–50)

Dan Hames asks Graham Tomlin about Luther's famous distinction between 'law' and 'gospel', and they touch on the New Perspective's reading of Luther. 
Kyle Strobel talks about why Jonathan Edwards said God is 'religious'. 
Did Luther totally dismiss good works? Were they important in any way at all? Graham Tomlin investigates. 
Andrew Wilson explains the history of the canon of scripture and why we can be confident in the Bible we have today. 
Kyle Strobel speaks about the subject of his book, 'Beloved Dust'; knowing ourselves before God in prayer. 
Kyle Strobel speaks about the benefits of silent prayer, resting in the intercession of the Son and the Spirit. 
Gloria Furman speaks about the challenges and blessings of being a busy mother. 
Gloria Furman reflects on the ways motherhood brought her to deal with fear and change, and taught her about the love of God.  
Gloria Furman speaks about helping your children to know the Lord while staying close to him yourself. 
Dan Hames asks Gloria Furman why it's important – and if it's possible – to keep Christ at the centre of family life.