Peter Mead

Peter Mead co-founded Cor Deo and is one of the pastors at Trinity Chippenham. He is Lecturer in Preaching at Union School of Theology and leads the Bible Teachers & Preachers Networks at the European Leadership Forum in Wisla, Poland. Peter blogs at BiblicalPreaching and is the author of Pleased to Dwell and Lost in Wonder (Christian Focus, 2014 and 2016), and The Little Him Book (10 Publishing, 2020).
Whether our darkness comes from relational breakdown, grief, loneliness, health challenges, the guilt of sins committed, the shame of sins experienced, global trends or deep personal struggle, we must know that our God is a God of hope.
As we head towards another Christmas, let’s be sure to ponder the wonder of that first Christmas and the daily wonder of a God who moved toward us in such a stunning way!
In the second edition of UP, Peter Mead looks at why and how Jesus' incarnation is important for our salvation. 
In the first ever edition of UP, the Union podcast, Dan Hames asks Peter Mead why his book about the incarnation isn't out at Christmas. 
Dan Hames asks Peter Mead what difference the doctrine of the incarnation actually makes for us day to day. 
Peter Mead looks at how our understanding of salvation should shape our Bible reading in the first of two talks. 
Peter Mead looks at how our understanding of salvation should shape our Bible reading in the last of two talks. 
Peter Mead shows why preaching matters, examining three relationships: between the preacher and God, between the preacher and the listeners, and between the listers and God. 
Peter Mead shows how Satan wants to distort and undermine our relationship with the Holy Spirit – so that our eyes are turned away from Christ. 
Peter Mead calls us to focus on our present walk with God rather than live in the past, or fixate on the future. 
Peter Mead explains how a biblical understanding of Jesus' humanity affects the way we do evangelism and outline the gospel. 
We ask Peter Mead whether there's a danger in talking about the Incarnation that we risk neglecting the death of Jesus. 
Peter Mead meditates on the significance of Jesus' identity as a 'Nazarene', showing us the comfort and assurance that He is God with us. 
Peter Mead opens up John 4 and asks where true satisfaction is found. From Delighted by God 2011. 
Peter Mead takes a fresh look at the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. Does it deny core elements of the gospel? From Delighted by God 2012. 
Peter Mead examines the deep purpose preaching and biblical interpretation. 
Pause, pray, reflect, repent. When I am old I want that twinkle in my eye and tenderness toward my wife that charactises the best of marriages. I want the same in my relationship with Christ. Don’t you?
Peter Mead guides us through James 1, asking how we can live fully for God amid all of life's trials.