Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves is the President of Union School of Theology, where he teaches in the areas of systematic and historical theology and also on preaching and spiritual formation. He is author of several books, including Rejoicing in Christ, Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith, and Rejoice and Tremble: The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord.
Michael Reeves shows us that our God is beautiful in his glory in The Heart-Winning God. From Delighted by God 2011.
Mike Reeves explores our union with Jesus in the last of three talks. 
Mike Reeves explores our union with Jesus in the second of three talks. 
Mike Reeves explores our union with Jesus in the first of three talks. 
Mike Reeves encourages us to get into theology for ourselves tooled up with the Bible and the Holy Spirit's help. 
Mike Reeves' introduction to the Puritan classic on Christ's love for his Bride in the Song of Songs. 
Mike Reeves delivers the 2013 Finlayson Lecture for the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society. The Trinity is the secret to a joyful Christian life. 
Mike Reeves looks at the heart of the gospel in the last of three talks. 
Mike Reeves helps us taste the goodness of God in the first of four talks from Word Alive 2011. 
Michael Reeves shows how the fear of God eclipses and consumes our other fears, imparting strength and joy. 
Mike Reeves gives a short introduction justification by faith alone at the spot where two men gave their lives for the doctrine. 
Michael Reeves introduces us to C. H. Spurgeon's approach to living as a Christian. 
“Knowing Christ is the reason why the Father so delights in him, because he is simply delightful.”
Mike Reeves stands in for John Piper on Episode 383 of 'Ask Pastor John' from Desiring God, discussing the blessings of our oneness with Jesus.  
Mike Reeves stands in for John Piper on Episode 381 of 'Ask Pastor John' from Desiring God, discussing the practice of praying to the mother of Jesus. 
What does it look like to live “in Christ”? Mike Reeves draws out the doctrine of Union with Christ in the last of three video talks.
What is Union with Christ? Michael Reeves explains how union with Christ works in the second of three video talks.
Mike Reeves shares his own story of finding joy in John 17 in the last of nine short videos. 
Mike Reeves helps us taste the goodness of God in the second of four talks from Word Alive 2011. 
Mike Reeves helps us taste the goodness of God in the third of four talks from Word Alive 2011. 
Mike Reeves helps us taste the goodness of God in the last of four talks from Word Alive 2011. 
Mike Reeves introduces us to the life and influence of the titanic early Church theologian, Augustine of Hippo. 
Mike Reeves shows how the Trinity changes prayer in the fourth of nine short videos. 
Mike Reeves shows how the Trinity changes our lives in the seventh of nine short videos. 
Mike Reeves shows how Jesus changes everything for the Christian in the second of four talks from Word Alive 2012. 
Mike Reeves shows how the doctrine of justification is good news for struggling Christians in the last of four talks at Word Alive 2010. 
Mike Reeves' introduction to a collection of Spurgeon's sermons on the person and work of Jesus Christ. 
Mike Reeves' introduction to Sibbes' mini-sermon collection on the reformation of the heart. 
Mike Reeves' introduction to the Puritan classic on the ascended Jesus' heart for his Church. 
Mike Reeves asks how believing in Father, Son, and Spirit makes the gospel what it is. 
Mike Reeves asks how believing in Father, Son, and Holy Spirit makes a difference to our witness. 
Michael Reeves preaches from Hebrews 13 at Union School of Theology’s end of year thanksgiving and commissioning service.
Mike Reeves shows how Jesus changes everything for the Christian in the third of four talks from Word Alive 2012. 
Mike Reeves shows how Jesus changes everything for the Christian in the last of four talks from Word Alive 2012. 
Mike Reeves asks whether heaven or eternal life or something else is the great offer of the gospel. 
Mike Reeves introduces us to the reformer Martin Luther. 
Mike Reeves introduces us to America's great theologian, Jonathan Edwards. 
Mike Reeves teaches worship leaders and pastors on the importance of preparing people to live, suffer, and die in the love of Christ. 
Mike Reeves teaches on the importance of fellowship with Jesus for life and ministry in the last of three talks. 
Mike Reeves teaches on the importance of fellowship with Jesus for life and ministry in the second of three talks. 
Mike Reeves teaches on the importance of fellowship with Jesus for life and ministry in the first of three talks. 
Michael Reeves shows how the Trinity is vital for assurance of salvation in the sixth of nine short videos.