John Calvin

John Calvin (1509 – 1564) was a French theologian and pastor, influential in the Reformation.
John Calvin's exposition of Galatians 2:15–16 proclaims there is 'no salvation whatsoever outside of Jesus Christ, for he is the beginning and the end of faith, and he is all in all.' 
John Calvin, in this brief excerpt from the 'Institutes', explains the benefits of the Christian's election and how we may be sure of it. 
Calvin's In 1534, Calvin’s cousin, Pierre Robert Olivétan, translated the Bible into French from the Hebrew and Greek. Calvin wrote this letter as a preface, around a year after his conversion to evangelicalism. 
John Calvin's sermon on Matthew 28:1–10 examines Jesus' resurrection appearance and draws from it hope and comfort for us. 
The following extract is from John Calvin’s chapter on prayer from the Institutes of the Christian Religion.