Author: John Calvin
This author has written 0 articles
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John Calvin's sermon on Galatians 6:14–18.
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John Calvin's exposition of Galatians 2:15–16 proclaims there is 'no salvation whatsoever outside of Jesus Christ, for he is the beginning and the end of faith, and he is all in all.'
Tags: Christian Life, Evangelism, Jesus, Reformation, Salvation
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John Calvin, in this brief excerpt from the 'Institutes', explains the benefits of the Christian's election and how we may be sure of it.
Tags: Christian Life, Reformation, Salvation
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Calvin's In 1534, Calvin’s cousin, Pierre Robert Olivétan, translated the Bible into French from the Hebrew and Greek. Calvin wrote this letter as a preface, around a year after his conversion to evangelicalism.
Tags: Biblical Theology, Jesus, New Testament, Reformation, Scripture
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John Calvin's sermon on Matthew 28:1–10 examines Jesus' resurrection appearance and draws from it hope and comfort for us.
Tags: Jesus, New Testament, Reformation
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The following extract is from John Calvin’s chapter on prayer from the Institutes of the Christian Religion.