Dane Ortlund

Dane Ortlund is Senior Vice President for Bible publishing at Crossway Books in Wheaton, Illinois, USA. He is the author of A New Inner Relish: Christian Motivation in the Thought of Jonathan Edwards (Christian Focus, 2008), and Edwards on the Christian Life: Alive to the Beauty of God (Crossway, 2014).
One of the gifts in the church that we see in the pages of the New Testament that is so vitally needed today and neglected—we don’t talk about it much—is the ministry of encouragement.
How do Christians grow? Few question the call of the Bible to grow in godliness, but the answer to exactly how this happens is often elusive.
As followers of Christ, we long to grow in godliness, but we often find ourselves stuck. Sin runs deep, we continue to fail, and we are easily tempted to give up. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Dane Ortlund uncovers a neglected theme in the theology of Jonathan Edwards: the holy, soul-calm available to Christians in the gospel and love of God.
Dane Ortlund looks at Jonathan Edwards' view of Christian living – through the lens of 'calm'. 
Dane Ortlund asks how Christians grow in holiness in conversation with Herman Bavinck, G. C. Berkouwer, and Jonathan Edwards.
Dane Ortlund speaks about the way the Bible has impacted his life – as an unchanging, rock-solid word from heaven. 
Dane Ortlund channels Jonathan Edwards to prove to us that being sanctified isn't joyless duty but beautiful transformation. 
Dane Ortlund gives five pieces of practical advice for anyone who's struggling to read their Bible regularly. 
Don’t expect fireworks when you open up your Bible. Just expect the Holy Spirit to massage the word into your soul.  Just expect to become a little more human, calmer, happier, wiser, stronger, as you commune with God.
We asked Dane Ortlund how to guard against our quiet times becoming and empty habit or meaningless ritual. 
Dan Hames asks Dane Ortlund whether reading the Bible can really help Christians grow spiritually. 
Dane Ortlund preaches Jonathan Edwards' sermon on 1 John 4:16: God is love. 
Ray Ortlund, Michael Reeves, Dane Ortlund, and David Filson answer questions at Immanuel Nashville's Reformation 500 celebration. 
Dane Ortlund introduces us to the great New England theologian, Jonathan Edwards.